Stamp Show



Please contact the Meetings Committee to schedule a meeting or event. The meeting request form is found here.

All meetings are open to the public unless otherwise stated.

A map of the show can be found here.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS - as of March 25, 2025
Unless otherwise noted all SOCIETY MEETINGS and SEMINARS are open to the public and 50 minutes in duration.
Tuesday April 22, 2025
7:00amAuction Viewing Set Up (15 hour)
Bayside III
Wednesday April 23, 2025
10:00amSchuyler Rumsey Live Philatelic Auction (all day) (12 hour)
Bayside II
Live Auction Viewing (8 hour)
Bayside III
Thursday April 24, 2025
10:00amSchuyler Rumsey Live Philatelic Auction (all day) (12 hour)
Bayside II
Live Auction Viewing (8 hour)
Bayside III
Friday April 25, 2025
9:00amCANEJ Seminar
You be the Judge Part 1 by Liz Hisey, APS accredited Chief Judge. Participants will learn how to judge exhibits.
Santa Barbara
9:30amGrand Opening of the 65th Annual WESTPEX and Presentation on Show Theme by Michael S. Turinni
Michael S. Turinni, an avid and multifaceted hobbyist, will share 'Celebrating the 175 th Anniversary of California '. There will be some 'give-aways' to those attending this event.
Bayside I
10:00amSchuyler Rumsey Live Philatelic Auction (all day) (12 hour)
Bayside II
WESTPEX Youth Area (8 hour)
Open for classes 10 am-2 pm, Open to all youth 2 pm-6 pm
Santa Clara
Live Auction Viewing (8 hour)
Bayside III
Opening of WESTPEX Exhibits and Bourse
2nd Floor
11:00amPostcrossing Meetup (1 hour 50 minutes)
Gathering for members of Postcrossing online postcard exchange project
11:30amUnited Nations Postal Administration First Day Ceremony (30 minutes)
The Endangered Species Stamp Series
Bayside I
2:00pmCANEJ Seminar
Introduction to Exhibiting by Darrell Ertzberger, Chairman, APS Committee on Accreditation of National Exhibitions and Judges (CANEJ)
Bayside I
Presentation by Frederick Lawrence
Alice in Wonderland, Calif. which will focus on the post office in the now-ghost town, Wonderland,CA and the John Coulthard covers he serviced through that post office-as illustrated in the June 2024 American Philatelist
Santa Barbara
3:00pmMobile Post Office Society Board Meeting (MPOS)
Open to all MPOS members
Santa Barbara
American Helvetia Philatelic Society (AHPS) (1 hour 50 minutes)
International Society of Guatemala Collectors (ISGC) (1 hour 50 minutes)
annual board/membership meeting
8042, 8th floor
4:00pmHawaiian Philatelic Society (HPS) (1 hour 50 minutes)
"Meet and Greet". Open to All. Presentation, Samuel G. Wilder and the Stamps of the Kahului Railroad by Robert Hill
Bayside I
Mobile Post Office Society (MPOS)
General meeting and presentation open to all, Deciphering abbrevations in RPO and HPO postmarks by Rick Kunz, President, Mobile Post Office Society
Santa Barbara
Siam/Thailand Collectors
December 1920 Fair at the Dusit Rajdhani by Frederick Lawrence, moderator/presenter, followed by Show and Tell
8024, 8th floor
4:30pmWE Meetup (1 hour 30 minutes)
Women Exhibitors mtg (Open to ALL), Selling Your Duplicates on eBay by Kristin Patterson
6:00pmClosing of WESTPEX Exhibits and Bourse
2nd Floor
6:15pmCollectors Club (SF) and Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society International (MEPSI) Dinner
Guest Speaker: Mr. Arnulfo Cosio, Mexican Philatelic Museum Director. Shalizar Restaurant, 300 El Camino Real, Belmont, CA. Reception at 6:15 pm. Dinner at 7:00 pm. Reservation required. Contact Behruz@gmail.com
Saturday April 26, 2025
8:30amWestern Cover Society Board Meeting (WCS) (1 hour 30 minutes)
Members only
8042, 8th floor
9:00am Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society International (MEPSI) (2 hour)
Board members only
8024, 8th floor
10:00amUnited States Postal Service First Day Ceremony
The new Dahlias stamps
Bayside I
Schuyler Rumsey Live Philatelic Auction (all day) (12 hour)
Bayside II
WESTPEX Youth Area (8 hour)
Open to all youth.
Santa Clara
CANEJ Seminar (1 hour 30 minutes)
You be the Judge Part 2 conducted by Liz Hisey, APS accredited Chief Judge
Santa Barbara
Presentation by Ann Wood, President of the Guyana Philatelic Society
A Postal Journey Through British Guiana's Rupununi
International Society for Portuguese Philately (ISPP) (1 hour 50 minutes)
6096, 6th floor
Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society (1 hour 50 minutes)
Collecting Miyako Provisionals by Gary B. Weiss
8042, 8th floor
Live Auction Viewing (8 hours) (8 hour)
Bayside III
Opening of WESTPEX Exhibits and Bourse
2nd Floor
Learn about the United States Philatelic Classics Society and the Carriers & Locals Society
Society information and resources by Angelo Ismirnioglou
Newport Beach
11:00am Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society International (MEPSI)
General meeting
Bayside I
American Philatelic Society Town Hall Meeting (APS)
with Scott English, APS Executive Director
Western Cover Society (WCS) (1 hour 50 minutes)
All Over Shaded Advertising Covers of the Express Era by Ryan Baum
Newport Beach
Oriental Near East Philatelic Society (ONEPS)
12:00pm Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society International (MEPSI)
Reprints and Forgeries of Mexico's first issues by Marc Gonzalez
Bayside I
Canal Zone Study Group (CZSG)
Santa Barbara
1:00pmTour of Mexico exhibits (MEPSI)
Tour will be led by Marc Gonzales,a distinguished Grand and Gold award-winning exhibitor.Other Mexico exhibitors may also offer brief remarks about their own exhibits if they wish.Interested exhibitors and attendees should gather at the MEPSI booth.
American Helvetia Philatelic Society (AHPS) (1 hour 50 minutes)
General meeting
Bayside I
Rossica Society of Russian Philately
Annual meeting
Santa Barbara
Boston 2026
Presentation by Yamil H. Kouri, President and Commissioner General of World Stamp Show 2026, Inc.
Rhodesian Study Circle (RSC) (1 hour 30 minutes)
6096, 6th floor
Golden West Group of the British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS)
8042, 8th floor
United States Possessions Philatelic Society (USPPS) and International Philippine Philatelic Society (IPPS) Joint Meeting (1 hour 50 minutes)
8024, 8th floor
2:00pmAmericana Stamps
Carried by Stage & Train: A Selection of Express Mail That Built the West by Angelo Ismirnioglou of Americana Stamps
Santa Barbara
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (AAPE)
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Open Forum hosted by Liz Hisey
3:00pm Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society International (MEPSI)
25 Years a Stamp Dealer by Thurston (Bubba) Bland
Bayside I
Nevada Postal History Society
Berthoud's Mule Team Express, White Pine Co., Nevada, 1871 by Scott Prior
Santa Barbara
Judges' Feedback Forum (2 hour)
4:15pmCouncil of Northern California Philatelic Societies (CNCPS)
Santa Barbara
6:00pmAwards Banquet (3 hour)
(Ticket Required) Reception 6 pm, Doors open 6:30 pm, Dinner 7 pm.
Irvine/Newport Beach
Closing of WESTPEX Exhibits and Dealers Bourse
2nd Floor
Sunday April 27, 2025
9:00amBoy Scout Stamp Collecting Merit Badge Workshop (6 hour)
(Scouts and Leaders only) Sponsored by WESTPEX,conducted by Mr. Phil Avery, Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 726 and Mr. Phil Kumler,Counselor & Silver Beaver Nominee, Pre-registration and $15 fee required.Contact pack705@earthlink.net or pkumler@gmail.co
Bayside I
American Helvetia Philatelic Society (AHPS) (1 hour 50 minutes)
Share and Tell
Santa Barbara
10:00amSchuyler Rumsey Live Philatelic Auction (all day) (12 hour)
Bayside II
WESTPEX Youth Area (5 hour)
Open to all youth.
Santa Clara
Live Auction Viewing (2 hour)
Bayside III
Opening of WESTPEX Exhibits and Bourse
2nd Floor
FIP Option Feedback (1 hour 30 minutes)
Waterfront Board Room
11:00amNepal & Tibet Philatelic Study Circle (1 hour 50 minutes)
Santa Barbara
12:30pmUniversal Ship Cancellation Society, USS Saginaw Chapter 59
Collecting Navel Coveres by Steve Shay
8024, 8th floor
3:00pmClosing of WESTPEX Exhibits and Bourse
2nd Floor