Stamp Show



Major Ted Webcast from WESTPEX 2003

Grand Award  Antique Crystal Vase

Reserve Grand Award sponsored by Collectors Club of San Francisco   Victorian ink stand

Don Dretzke Memorial Award

Flow blue ink stand

for best cancelled STAMP exhibit

California Collectors Club Award

Laser engraved wood stand with clock

for best 20th century exhibit


Crystal vase by Nachtmann


Pacific Trophy

Orrefors crystal vase

Best traditional exhibit

Friends of WESTPEX 2003

for best British Commonwealth

COLOMPHIL award for "Outstanding Research and investigation of South and Central American philately".

Reproduction of a pre-Columbian mask.

Michael Rogers award for best Asian exhibit.

WESTPEX 2003 Palmares


Boyd's Local Post – New York City: 1844 – 1911

    Martin Richardson


Czechoslovakia: 1918 – 1938

    Jaroslav J. Verner


USS Oregon "Building the Fleet"

          Robert Rawlins


Czechoslovakia: 1918 – 1938

    Jaroslav J. Verner

Austro-Hungarian Forces in World War I

    Alfred F. Kugel

Swiss WWII Mail to GB, Canada and the USA

    Charles J. LaBlonde

Hamburg to 1871

    John MacDonnell

Australia – USA Mail: 1840s to 1891 (UPU)

     Dale Forster

Soviet Antarctica 1955 – 1959

    Ross Marshall

The 1901-04 British National Antarctic Expedition

    Paul Wales

Scott and Shackleton in the Antarctic

     J. Edgar Williams

Commercial Zeppelin Mail

     Dickson Preston

Tasmania – What Happened to That?

     Dr. P. G. E. Reid

Boyd's Local Post – New York City: 1844 – 1911

     Martin Richardson

The U. S. Pictorial Issue of 1869 and its Usage

     Irv Heimburger, M.D.

Tibet: Stamps and Postal History

    Alan Warren

The Penny Postage Stamp of Great Britain 1840-1864

    Timothy Burgess

The Large Mark Values of the Germania Series

    David Barnette

The "3-Star" Coat of Arms Issues of Latvia: 1923 – 1933

     Dzintars Grinfelds

Aden Postal History Till 1937

     Gary Brown

The Revenue Stamps of Guatamala

     Dr. Arthur K.M. Woo


Bohemia, Moravia, and Czechoslovakia, 1569 – 1919

    Alfonso G. Zulueta, Jr.

German Occupation of Czechoslovakia

    Robert F. Koschalk

Switzerland and the Two World Wars

    Robert T. Kinsley

The Postal History of "The Thousand Mile War"

     Eric Knapp

U. S. Internment Camp Mail in World War II

     Louis Fiset

Australian Antarctic Territory, The First 68 Years 1902-1970

     Kevin Dwyer

Ambassadors of Antarctica

     William J. Snider

U.S.S. Macon – Queen of the Sky

     Allen Klein

U. S.  Navy in Asiatic Waters 1899-1916

     Henry H. Sweets III

Charcot in the Antarctic

     Serge Kahn

TIPEX – The U. S. Third International Exposition Issue

     Martin H. Feibusch

Ethiopia 1919-1928

     Daryl Reiber

Tristan Da Cunha 1905-1946

     Chris Rainey

Keeping Pace With Inflation: The Chinese National Currency Issues

     H. James Maxwell

The International Postal Route of China (1914 – 1945)

     David Lu

Imperial Connection

     David Collyer

Railroad Travelling Post Offices in Victoria

     George W. Bowman

Philippines 1935 Pictorial: A Decade of Use

     Richard Miggins


Slovakia – Postal History: 1918 - 1920

     Charles Chesloe

U. S. Naval Mail in Southeast Asia before World War II

     Frederick L. Dunn, M.D.

A New Way to Support Polar Exploration

     George A. Hall

U S Navy Censors Handstamp Markings of World War II in the Pacific

     Steve Henderson

Mare Island Built Ships

     Steve Shay

Faroe Islands: Postal History, 1872-1956

     Geoffrey Noer



Mail from Manila Bay, 10 December 1941 to 3 May 1942

    Robert Rawlins

Civilian Mail Linked to the Two U.S. – Japan Diplomatic Exchanges During World War II

      Louis Fiset


Internees in the A�ores during the Great War (1916-1918)

     Roy C. Teixeira


Northwest Passage

    John Young

North Atlantic Liners Winning the Blue Riband

     James E. Watt

The Naval Career of Frank Herman Schofield

    Steve Shay


100th Anniversary of US Navy Destroyers

     Alvin Eckert

Type 3z Slogans

     Herbert F. Rommel, Capt. USN, Ret


San Francisco Pacific Philatelic Society - Margaret Munda Memorial Award of Merit

The U. S. Pictorial Issue of 1869 and its Usage

    Irv Heimburger, M.D.

Pacific Trophy – Best Traditional Exhibit

Boyd's Local Post – New York City: 1844 – 1911

     Martin Richardson

Society for Czechoslovak Philately Award – Best Exhibit

Czechoslovakia: 1918 – 1938

    Jaroslav J. Verner

Universal Ship Cancellation Society Award  - Best Naval Cover Exhibit

U. S.  Navy in Asiatic Waters 1899-1916

    Henry H. Sweets III

Universal Ship Cancellation Society Award  - Best One Frame Exhibit

Mail from Manila Bay, 10 December 1941 to 3 May 1942

     Robert Rawlins

Military Postal History Society Grand Award – Best Military Postal History Exhibit

Austro-Hungarian Forces in World War I

     Alfred F. Kugel

Military Postal History Society Reserve Grand Award – Second Best Military Postal History Exhibit

Swiss WWII Mail to GB, Canada and the USA

     Charles J. LaBlonde

American Society of Polar Philatelists Grand Award - Best Polar Exhibit

The 1901-04 British National Antarctic Expedition

     Paul Wales

American Society of Polar Philatelists Reserve Grand Award – Second Best Polar Exhibit

Scott and Shackleton in the Antarctic

     J. Edgar Williams

American Philatelic Society Awards of Excellence:   Pre 1900

The Revenue Stamps of Guatamala

     Dr. Arthur K.M. Woo

American Philatelic Society Award of Excellence:  1900 - 1940

The 1901-04 British National Antarctic Expedition

    Paul Wales

American Philatelic Society Award of Excellence:  1940 - 1980

Swiss WWII Mail to GB, Canada and the USA

     Charles J. LaBlonde

American Philatelic Society Research Medal

U S Navy Censors Handstamp Markings of World War II in the Pacific

     Steve Henderson

SESCAL Award of Merit

Australia – USA Mail: 1840s to 1891 (UPU)

    Dale Forster

California Collectors Club Award for Best 20th Century

Czechoslovakia: 1918 – 1938

    Jaroslav J. Verner

O'Neill Award - Best Topical

Ambassadors of Antarctica

     William J. Snider

Friends of WESTPEX Award - Best British Commonwealth

Aden Postal History Till 1937

    Gary Brown

Michael Rogers Award - Best Asian

Tibet: Stamps and Postal History

    Alan Warren

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors:  Award of Honor

Charcot in the Antarctic

    Serge Kahn

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors:  Award of Honor

Ethiopia 1919-1928

    Daryl Reiber

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors:  Creativity Award

Internees in the A�ores during the Great War (1916-1918)

    Roy C. Teixeira

American  Association of Philatelic Exhibitors:  Youth Grand

The "3-Star" Coat of Arms Issues of Latvia: 1923 – 1933

     Dzintars Grinfelds

Rossica Society of Russian Philately – Best Russian Exhibit

Soviet Antarctica 1955 – 1959

     Ross Marshall

Postal History Society Medal - Best Postal History

Australia – USA Mail: 1840s to 1891 (UPU)

    Dale Forster

American Air Mail Society - Best Air Mail

Commercial Zeppelin Mail

    Dickson Preston

American Topical Association:  First Award

Ambassadors of Antarctica

    William J. Snider

United States Stamp Society - Statue of Freedom Award for Best U.S. from 1847

Boyd's Local Post – New York City: 1844 – 1911

    Martin Richardson

United States Philatelic Classics Society Award for Best U.S.

Boyd's Local Post – New York City: 1844 – 1911

    Martin Richardson

India Study Circle Award – Best India Material

Aden Postal History Till 1937

    Gary Brown

International Philippines Philatelic Society – Eugene A. Garrett Award for Best Philippines Exhibit

Mail from Manila Bay, 10 December 1941 to 3 May 1942

    Robert Rawlins

German Philatelic Society Medal - Best German Area Exhibit

Hamburg to 1871

    John MacDonnell

Junior Philatelists of America - Outstanding Junior Exhibit

The "3-Star" Coat of Arms Issues of Latvia: 1923 – 1933

    Dzintars Grinfelds

American Philatelic Congress -- Excellence of Written Text

Tasmania – What Happened to That?

    Dr. P. G. E. Reid

COLOMPHIL - Outstanding Research & Investigation of South & Central American Philately

The Revenue Stamps of Guatamala

    Dr. Arthur K.M. Woo

Donald Dretzke Memorial Award - Best Used Stamps

The Penny Postage Stamp of Great Britain 1840-1864

    Timothy Burgess

Al Van Dahl Memorial Award – Best Scandinavian

Hamburg to 1871

    John MacDonnell