WESTPEX Grand Award and Gold
Mails Carried by Water within the USA (1814-1875)
Hugh V. Feldman
U.S. Philatelic Classics Society - Best U.S. up to 1894
Postal History Society Medal - Best Postal History
Collectors Club of San Francisco - Reserve Grand Award and Gold
The 1948 Doar Ivri Issue of Israel
Robert B. Pildes, M.D.
Pacific Trophy - Best Traditional Exhibit
California Collectors Club Award for Best 20th Century
Michael Rogers Award - Best Asian
Society of Israel Philatelists - First Place
WESTPEX Grand Award - Single Frame Exhibit and Gold
Junkers Aviation in Persia 1924-1930
Behruz Nassre-Esfahani
American Philatelic Congress - Excellence of Written Text
American Air Mail Society - Gold Award
Cracow Postal History: From the Middle Ages to the Postal Stamp
Frank M. Wiatr
American Philatelic Society Award of Excellence: Pre 1900
Colombia, Postal History of the Forwarding Agents
Alfredo Frohlich
COLOMPHIL - Outstanding Study of South & Central American Philately
The registration envelopes of the Bechuanalands
Peter Thy
United Postal Stationery Society Marcus White Medal - Best Postal Stationery
The Presidente Definitives of Chile
William H. Lenarz
U.S. Air Mail Special Delivery Issues of 1934-1936
Hideo R. Yokota
United States Stamp Society - Statue of Freedom Award
American Air Mail Society - Gold Award
Development of Australian Airmail 1914-1935
John Cress
Jack R. Hughes Award for Outstanding Philatelic Research in Australasia/Oceania
American Air Mail Society - Gold Award
U.S.S. Macon - Queen of the Skies
Allen Klein
American Air Mail Society - Gold Award
DLH South Atlantic 1934-1939
James W. Graue
San Francisco Pacific Philatelic Society - Margaret Munda Memorial Award of Merit
American Philatelic Society Award of Excellence: 1900 - 1940
American Philatelic Society Research Medal
German Philatelic Society - Gold Award
American Air Mail Society - Grand Award
American Air Mail Society - Gold Award
Pan American's Pacific Clippers: 1935-1942
Stephen Tucker
American Air Mail Society - Gold Award
The Postal History of Suffolk 1839-1844
Thomas Slemons
Commercial Zeppelin Mail
Dickson Preston
American Air Mail Society - Gold Award
German Philatelic Society - Silver Award
Commercial Airmail Rates For Palestine to the Americas 3 Aug 33 to 30 Apr 48
Leslie A. Bard
American Air Mail Society - Gold Award
Bartoc Foundation Award
Foreign Post Offices in the Holyland 1852-1914
Michael A. Bass
Society of Israel Philatelists - Second Place
The Four Siege Cities of 1948
Dr. Henry Nogid
American Philatelic Society Award of Excellence: 1940 - 1980
Society of Israel Philatelists - Third Place
Howard County, Maryland
Patricia Stilwell-Walker
Ethiopia 1928-1931: Empress Zauditu and Ras Tafari
Daryl Reiber
The Classic Stamps of Portuguese India - "The Natives"
Roger Lawson
India Study Circle Award - Best India Material
Johore - The Classic Period
Nestor C. Nunez
The Provincial Issues of Argentina: Buenos Aires - Cordoba - Corrientes
Dr. Arthur K. M. Woo
Canada Confederation Issue of 1927
John P. Wynns
British North America Philatelic Society - Best BNA Exhibit
The Stamps of the Foreign Mail Issue of Mexico 1879-84
Richard Daffner
SESCAL Award of Merit
The Sun. Myth, Science, Culture
Anthony S. Wawrukiewicz
O'Neill Award - Best Thematic
American Topical Association - First Award
FAM 14: 1935 -1941
William Drummond
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors: Award of Honor
American Air Mail Society - Vermeil Award
The Beacon Air Mail Stamp
William J. Snider
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors: Award of Honor
American Air Mail Society - Vermeil Award
SCADTA 3rd Issue "Servicio Postal Aereo de Colombia"
James C. Johnson
American Air Mail Society - Vermeil Award
Pan American Airways Transatlantic Airmail Routes 1939-1945
William Fort
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors: Novice Award
American Air Mail Society - Vermeil Award
The Pegasus Airmail Stamps of Uruguay 1929-1943
Jorge Gaj
American Air Mail Society - Vermeil Award
By Air Development of French Aviation
James C. Johnson
American Air Mail Society - Vermeil Award
Great Britain Interns Her Refugees from Nazism
Louis Fiset
Military Postal History Society - Best Military Postal History Exhibit
Postal History of German-East-Africa 1890-1918 Including German Seapost To East-Africa
Heinemann Egbert
German Philatelic Society - Bronze Award
Israel's Emergency Transitional Period of 1948
Philip Kass
Postal Stationery of the Palestine Mandate
Claire Nutik-Nogid
Jewish National Fund
Howard Chapman
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors: Creativity Award
Edged in Black - 19th Century American Mourning Covers
Paul Bearer
Cancellations - United States 3 Cents, 1861-1867
Abe Boyarsky
Donald Dretzke Memorial Award - Best Used Stamps
US Cancellation Club – Charles D. Root Memorial Award
Mongolia 1886-1932
Richard Clever
Jewels of the Pacific Merit Award (San Diego Exhibiting Workshop) - Felicitations of the Jury
ROSSICA Best Russian Exhibit
Usages of the U.S. 5c Skymaster Airmail Stamps: 1946-48
Steve B. Davis
American Air Mail Society - Silver Award
British Occupation of Batum
Luis Martin
Women Exhibitors - Sterling Achievement Award
Second Postage Due Issue of Israel
Howard Rotterdam
Historical Survey of U.S. and Mexico Mail Systems: 1767-1875
Dean E. Carter
WW-I German Military Mission in the Ottoman Empire
Heinemann Egbert

Single Frame
Salute to USS Shenandoah - America's First Giant Rigid Airship
Allen Klein
American Air Mail Society - Gold Award
Usages of The 20 cent Transport Airmail
Joseph Bock
American Air Mail Society - Vermeil Award
Jerusalem Under Seige - 1948
Richard A. Kandel
A Matter of Language
Dr. Paul Phillips
Auxiliary Markings Merit Award
Allied Armed Forces Using U.S. Military Airmail WWII
Joseph Bock
American Air Mail Society - Silver Award