WESTPEX Grand Award and Gold
The First Issues of Costa Rica
Dr. Arthur K. M. Woo
Chairman's Award - Best Traditional Exhibit
Collectors Club of San Francisco - Reserve Grand Award and Gold
Confederate States of America, the Lithographed General Issues, Stamps and Usages
Leonard Hartmann
American Philatelic Society Research Medal
WESTPEX Grand Award - Single Frame Exhibit and Gold
Florida Confederate Provisional Usages
Deane R. Briggs, M.D.
U.S. Classic Stamps 1847 to 1869 The First Three General Issues
Ken Gilbart
United States Stamp Society - Statue of Freedom Award
Artist's Drawings, Essays, and Proofs of the 1948 Doar Ivri Issue of Israel
Robert B. Pildes
American Philatelic Society Award of Excellence: 1940 - 1980
FORERUNNERS - The Philatelic Truck & Souvenir Sheet
Gregg A. Hopkins, Sr.
American Philatelic Congress - Excellence of Written Text
USS OREGON, Bulldog of the Fleet
Robert D. Rawlins
Britain's Marvelous Machins "The Principal Variety Branches of the Small Outline Printings"
Stephen McGill
American Philatelic Society Award of Excellence: Post 1980
Independent State and Confederate Mail of North Carolina 1861-65
Tony Crumbley
Colombia Prephilatelic Correspondence
Dieter Bortfeldt
Colombia’s Cartagena Provisional Civil War Issues – 1899-1902
Alfredo Frohlich
Colombia - The 1917 Perkins Issue
Santiago Cruz
California Collectors Club Award for Best 20th Century
Cancellations on Portuguese Stamps of the Classic Period (1853-1910)
Isabel Vieira
Donald Dretzke Memorial Award - Best Used Stamps
United States External Mail Routes: 1854-1875
Armando E. Grassi, MD
Postal History Society Medal - Best Postal History
Transatlantic Packet Mail Between the USA and France: 1840-1875
Steven Walske
Pacific Northwest Mail Options -- 1833-1870
Dale Forster
American Philatelic Society Award of Excellence: Pre 1900
The Progression Of The New York Foreign Mail Cancellation 1870–1878
Nicholas M. Kirke
U.S. Philatelic Classics Society - Best U.S. up to 1894
US Cancellation Club – US Cancellation Club Award
U.S. Internment Camp Mail in World War II
Louis Fiset
The Sun, Myth, Science, Effects, Culture
Anthony Wawrukiewicz
O'Neill Award - Best Thematic
American Topical Association - First Award
U.S.A. Postal Administration in Cuba (1895-1905)
Jack Thompson
SESCAL Award of Merit
Military Postal History Society - Best Military Postal History Exhibit
The First Four Decades of U.S. Rail Road Contract Mails
Hugh V. Feldman
Jewels of the Gilded Age (and Beyond): Bonds Bearing New York Mortgage Endorsement, Secured Debt and Investments Tax Stamps of 1911-20
Michael Mahler
Portugal in the First World War
Eduardo Barreiros
American Philatelic Society Award of Excellence: 1900 - 1940
International Society for Portuguese Philately - Best Multi-Frame Exhibit
Portuguese India, the early years 1798-1888
D. J. Davies
The 1910 Hahn Reprints of Chile: The Plan, Players, Process and Product
Carlos Vergara
COLOMPHIL - Outstanding Study of South & Central American Philately
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors: Creativity Award
Presidentes with Legend "CHILE CORREOS"
William H. Lenarz
San Francisco Pacific Philatelic Society - Margaret Munda Memorial Award of Merit
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors: Title Page Award
Provocative Prexie Postal History
Dickson Preston
A Trip To The Alps
Bruce Marsden
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors: Award of Honor
American Topical Association - Second Award
Nepal - Registered Mail
Colin Hepper
Nepal and Tibet Philatelic Study Circle - Best Nepal, Tibet or Himalayan Exhibit
The Confederate States Navy
James L. D. Monroe
Mongolia 1880-1940
Dennis Hassler
Michael Rogers Award - Best Asian
The Postal Stationery of Mozambique Company
Ronald E. Strawser
United Postal Stationery Society Marcus White Medal - Best Postal Stationery
The Beacon Air Mail Stamp
William J. Snider
Revenue Stamped Paper of the Philippines
John M. Hunt
International Philippine Philatelic Society, Eugene A. Garrett Award - Best Philippines Exhibit
Confederate Faces
Frank P. Northcutt
Olympic Machine Cancels 1912-2004
Glenn Estus
On Course For Golf
Patricia Ann Loehr
Women Exhibitors - Sterling Achievement Award
Games of the Xth Olympiad, Los Angeles - 1932
Conrad Klinkner
Sports Philatelists International - Best in Show Multi-Frame Exhibit
Companhia de Mocambique: 1918-1937 Pictorial Issue
Clyde J. Homen
Soccer (Just for Kicks!)
Charles V. Covell, Jr.
American Topical Association - Third Award
Machine Vended Postage Labels of Germany (1981-2008)
Deepak Haritwal
The Movies -- A Philatelic Journey
Thomas Richards
Silver Bronze
The Road to London 2012
Robert Farley
CUBA: Center Sheet Blocks of the Republic 1926-1952
Dan Chaij

Single Frame
Men's Gymnastics: Dressed to Win
Mark C. Maestrone
American Topical Association - One Frame Award
Sports Philatelists International - Best in Show Single Frame Exhibit
Edged In Black - Mourning Covers In The Confederacy
Paul Bearer
German and Austrian Internees in the Acores (May 1916 - October 1919)
Roy C. Teixeira
Auxiliary Markings Merit Award
International Society for Portuguese Philately - Best Single Frame Exhibit
Oglethorpe County, Georgia Postal History, 1861-65
Doug Clark
Confederate State of America Texas Manuscript Town Cancels
Thomas Richards
Spoiled by War: The Games of the XIIth Olympiad
Andrew Urushima
Portugal's Vasco da Gama Issue of 1898
Nigel Moriarty
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors: Award of Honor
Portuguese Africa Used Abroad
John K. Cross
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors: Novice Award
The "Neto" Design of Portuguese India
Roger Lawson
The Beira Railroad
Clyde J. Homen
Silver Bronze
Lawn Bowling
Jim Leatherberry
Sports Philatelists International - Novice Award