Youth Activity Area
Santa Clara Room and Foyer on the 2nd Floor during show hours.
Hey, kids! Come visit us at the WESTPEX Youth and Beginners area. We're located in the Santa Clara Room and foyer on the 2nd Floor during show hours. We have numerous activities to get you started in this fun hobby.
If you are 18 years old or younger, don't miss this special event at WESTPEX.
There are bins of stamps--U.S. and foreign--for you to pick through to find stamps of interest. You can learn about different places in the world, famous people, sports, space events, animals, plants, and just about anything else you can imagine. All these topics--and more--are on stamps, the little pieces of art on paper that people use to send mail.
Special games and puzzles have been created to help you become familiar with the many types of stamps available for collectors. Volunteers will show you how to start and display your own collection. There are prizes along with a drawing for prizes of 1000 to 5000 stamps; prizes are mailed if the winner is not present at the show for the drawings.
School groups visit WESTPEX on Friday and learn about stamps through hands-on activities and receive materials to take home. Docents take students on a tour of the show to see the people who sell stamps and introduce the exhibition where stamp collectors display their special stamps and postal history for awards.
A special Boy Scout merit badge program is held on Sunday. A local Scout Master, an avid stamp collector, leads this program. Stamp collecting basics are covered along with the necessary requirements for the merit badge.
Donations of stamps and supplies for the youth program are welcome and acknowledged with a receipt from WESTPEX, Inc. a 501c3 nonprofit organization devoted to promoting the hobby of philately.
For more information, contact Marci Jarvis on the WESTPEX website contact page.