The 55th annual WESTPEX Stamp Show with its 300+ exhibit frames in open competition is one of the qualifying shows for the American Philatelic Society's World Series of Philately competition. The WESTPEX Grand Award winner will be eligible to compete in the Champion of Champions event at the APS Stampshow in August.
The jury is comprised of the following with their specialties:
Edwin Andrews - jury chair - display exhibits, military postal history, US 19th century, US postal history, US revenues
James Mazepa - Central America, Eastern Europe, Mexico, modern philately, Poland
Patricia Stilwell Walker -display exhibits, Ireland, postal history, US postal history, youth
Ron Cipolla II - Confederate States, local/private posts, postal history, US 19th century, US postal history
Timothy Wait - airmail, US postal history, US revenues
Palmares for WESTPEX 2015 are here.